Baltimore, HOT L Reading (Smartish Pace), Reading from ICE, with poet Laura Reece Hogan
Join David for his reading from his 2023 collection, Ice for Smartish Pace’s “Hot L” Reading Series. With poet Laura Reece Hogan, author of 2023’s Butterfly Nebula, winner of the Backwaters Press Prize.
Sunday at Bird in Hand in Charles Villiage, Baltimore (11 E 33rd St.) 4 pm
Cafe Muse on Zoom: Reading from ICE, with poet Dorianne Laux
Online reading as part of Washington D.C.’s long running Café Muse Reading Series. Join David Keplinger for a reading from his 2023 poetry collection, Ice. With celebrated poet Dorianne Laux, author of Pulitzer Prize finalist, Only as the Day is Long: New and Selected Poems.
LOCATION: Online (Zoom)
Time: 7 pm EST
Date: Monday, November 6, 2023
Link for registration forthcoming!
Kramer Books, DC: Reading from ICE
Join David for a reading from his 2023 collection, Ice, as part of the Kramer Books Reading Series.
DATE: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
TIME: 7 pm
LOCATION: 1517 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
The event is free!
The Writers Center, DC: Reading from ICE; with poet and translator Nancy Naomi Carlson
With poet Nancy Carlson. Click here for Registration!
Join us for a reading at The Writers Center in Bethesda, MD. David Keplinger will read from his 2023 collection Ice and from recent translations of Danish poet Carsten René Nielsen and German poet Jan Wagner; Nancy Naomi Carlson will read poetry and from her award winning translation Khal Torabully’s Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude (Seagull, 2021).
LOCATION: 4508 Walsh St, Bethesda, MD 20815
DATE: Saturday October 21, 2023
TIME: 2 pm
The event is free
The ICE Offical Book Launch @ Politics and Prose, Washington DC: Reading and Signing
BOOK LAUNCH! Join me at Politics and Prose in the main store at 5015 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington DC 20008. This event is the official launch of Ice and will be followed by a brief Q&A as well as a signing.
The event is free. Click for details here!
Reading from ICE: Poets in the Garden Series, The Ivy Bookshop
As part of the Poets in the Garden Series
The Ivy Bookshop, Back Garden
Join us for a reading from Ice, opening with a mindfulness meditation in the Back Garden. Following the reading I will be joined by my hosts for a conversation, questions, and book signing.
Free event
5928 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 21209
Pub Date reading from ICE @ The Book Store, Lenox, MA
Returning to the renowned The Book Store in Lenox, Massachusetts for a reading from Ice on its pub date, joined by store owner, Matthew Tannenbaum. The documentary about Matt’s service to his community—and their support of him during the lean years of Covid-19—has gotten rave reviews. More info here.
Reading with Jan Wagner, Die Buchkönigin, Berlin, Germany
Am Freitag, 14.7.2023, findet um 19:30 eine amerikanisch-deutsche Lesung mit David Keplinger und Jan Wagner statt.
Wo? Hier:
Die Buchkönigin
Hobrechtstr. 65
12047 Berlin
David liest eigene Gedichte im Orginal, Jan deren Übersetzungen ins Deutsche; Jan liest eigene Gedichte im Original, David deren Übersetzungen ins Englische. Dazwischen wird geplaudert. Und Salzstangen gibt es sicherlich auch.
Weiteres hier:
Wir würden uns freuen, Euch dort zu sehen!
Samsø, Denmark: Galleri Samsø, Reading and music
Reading of Danish translations of Carsten René Nielsen, with the author, and from David’s 2023 collection, Ice.
WHERE: Galleri Samsø, Nørreskiftevej 25, 8305 Samsø, Denmark
DATE: Thursday, July 6
TIME: 7 pm
AU's Katzen Museum: Curator's Talk, "Blue and Gray: This Era of Exile"
On June 24 from 2-3 pm there will be an open reception and panel discussion for our exhibition by Ethiopian artist Kebedech Tekleab and DC poet Ethelbert Miller. I will moderate the conversation between the two in the museum.
Blue and Gray: This Era of Exile
Artwork by Kebedech Tekleab
Poetry by E. Ethelbert Miller
Curated by David Keplinger
The recent fratricidal war in Ethiopia; the constant turmoil in Somalia; the current wars between Russia and Ukraine; the war in Syria; the unrest in Iran, Israel, and Palestine; and so many other countries continue to be responsible for a massive loss of human life and the displacement of people.
Two artists — one born in the Bronx in New York City and another in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — reflect on the nature of exile and spiritual resilience in this collaboration that treks across borders of media in poetry, sculpture, visual art, blues, and literary translation.
Visually and imaginatively stunning, these pairings aim to challenge our preconceptions about exile, engaging the "insider" exiled from safety in a structurally racist society in conversation with the "outsider," the exile/dissident, who has fled political strife to an academic position in the United States, but whose work still reflects an active hyper-vigilance against coming danger.